Here's Everything We Learned About Silent Hill f From the Latest Transmission

Konami recently wrapped up their Silent Hill transmission which was aimed to discuss the next mainline entry to the series - Silent Hill f. The previous year was the revival of the Silent Hill series with the main highlight being Silent HIll 2 remake which stunned audiences and manage to deliver and exceed fan expectations.

WIth Silent Hill f we enter a new era for the series.

At its core, this is still Silent Hill. The developers decided to try and tell a unique story that isn’t based in the west through a new character named Hinako. The game takes place in 1960’s Japan based on the real-life town in Japan named Kanayama. The story still takes the Silent Hill turn by trapping her in a mysterious fog that covers her path and presents her all sorts of dangerous enemies to get past.

This is the first time in the series the protagonist features a young teenager as the protagonist, with Heather Mason in Silent Hill 3 being the closest.

The story details are vague but the writer aims to convey the terror of beauty and repeated the theme to show that even the most beautiful thing can be deceptive to appearances. Perhaps we will learn more about this detail at a future transmission.

The game will be an original story but will feature easter eggs to previous games along the way. In addition, the game is also confirmed to be PS5 Pro Enhanced, and an Xbox Play Anywhere title.

You can wishlist the game today on your respective platform, and it will be coming to the PS5, Xbox Series, and PC through the Epic Games Store and Steam. Unfortunately a release date was not shared, but perhaps one will be at a future transmission show.

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