How Tech Evolution Has Bettered The Online Gaming Experience & Will Continue To Do So

by Guest User

The tech evolution has changed our lives in so many ways. We are able to do things now that in the past were merely dreams. When it comes to our online gaming experience, the improvements seen in technology have greatly enhanced the way in which we play. There’s no sign of the tech evolution slowing down and the future is going to be even more exciting.

Those of you who have been playing video games for some time will have witnessed the incredible changes that have taken place. It’s not to say that video games we’ve played in the past haven’t been entertaining. Of course they were, but the graphics and gameplay seen compared to what is available now does make them look a bit dated. We’ll probably think the same when playing video games in the 2030s and 2040s.

Games are just so more complicated now, just as Sfx are in movies. The graphics that are now being used in video games certainly wouldn’t look out of place in Hollywood. Take for example the WWE video games. Tech evolution has created a situation in which their newest release ‘WWE 2K24’ contains graphics that at times have you wondering whether you’re playing a game or watching the latest episode of Raw.

That new release features many wrestlers from the past such as Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker. Whereas their appearance in previous games was nowhere near so good as the present day, including them in the new games makes up for that. The technological improvements may well see games of the past being remastered and given the modern-day treatment. The second time around will have that nostalgic element that is popular with many players but with the new look that has so many fans.

It’s not just video games that have seen massive changes thanks to tech evolution.  Slot games are so popular at online casinos and their quality has vastly improved in recent years. Just as is the case with video games, the graphics seen in online slots are amazing and in the future can only keep on improving.

One key element that is going to change our online gaming experience in the future is Virtual Reality (VR). It already has a good foothold in the video gaming industry and its presence is expected to grow considerably in the future. Before looking at the impact that VR is having on video games, it’s important to discuss the headsets. 

Many do feel a bit foolish wearing them, but it was the same when going to the cinema and wearing the ridiculous 3-D glasses. The benefits of wearing them can outweigh any sniggers that might be aimed in your direction. After all, the chances are those sniggering will be the next to wear them, so time to get your own back.

One more serious concern is the cost of VR headsets. The price we have to pay always seems to be high in the early days. Think how much mobile phones cost when not offering anything like the services that they do now. Just imagine, people actually bought them just to make phone calls, how times have changed. The hope is that VR headsets will gradually come down in price in the years to come.

When playing video games, we are transported into other worlds, sometimes literally. They provide such great escapism but with VR we are able to become part of those worlds. Whether it’s being on another planet, a superhero movie or trying not to become the next victim of a vampire or other monster, the player can enter that world. Now that really is escapism from all the real problems in your life.

It’s not just how games look that is important. The mere fact there are awards given for the best video game soundtracks proves that. Games now place even greater emphasis on the quality of the accompanying soundtrack. The gameplay can be top notch but if the accompanying music is dreadful, that can ruin the whole experience. A good headset is needed of course, and the improvements being seen in those are helping to further enhance the playing experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) is also going to play a big role in the future of online gaming. Whereas with VR there’s a rather personal and isolated experience, that’s not so with AR. Rather than headsets, smartphones, tablets or AR glasses can be used to enjoy the games. They are more accessible, and the future is going to see AR used in increasing amounts.

AI has its critics but can be used in many useful ways. Non-Playing-Characters (NPC) have been around for a few years now but as it seems with everything else, they are now far more complicated. Look at the aliens in ‘Halo 2’ compared to the ghosts seen in ‘Pacman.’ for example.

It’s going to be fascinating to see how tech evolution changes our online gaming experience in the future. Even more complex games with out-of-this-world graphics and soundtracks are on their way. A bright future most definitely lies ahead of us whether we want to play video games or try our luck on online slots.

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