Is Verdansk '84 Enough To Breathe New Life Into WARZONE?

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Season 3 for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone has been out for almost 2 weeks now and having become more comfortable with what it has to offer, I felt that it’s a great time to talk about it. Season 3 saw the biggest update to Warzone to date as the map shifted to a 1980s version of itself, re-imagining the map we’ve all come to know and for some, maybe even love. The new map, Verdansk ‘84 shakes up the OG map a bit by changing almost everything. It even changes little things such as some of the cookie-cutter buildings across the map and where crates will spawn.

The larger enhancements though vary in great ways. Some major points of interest have been changed altogether. The highrise that everyone hits in Downtown is under construction in ‘84 and offers a crane and construction supplies to act as cover for snipers. I really like these kinds of ideas as they offer new takes that alter the way that the map feels. I like going into what were once familiar places and finding them new and me having to re-adapt to them. Then there are the areas of the map that are completely re-built from the ground up.

Summit for example is extremely pleasing to traverse. As you may have guessed, Summit takes heavy inspiration from the map of the same name from Black Ops. It has advantages such as ski lifts that operate on either side of the main hub area as well as a third one which can bring players to the base of the mountain where the Dam once was. This, and the new Array offer some truly impressive new encounters to the game. It was exactly what Warzone needed to have pumped into it in order for it to continue being fun instead of it feeling forgotten as it had started to feel recently.

If the devs working on Warzone can continue to update the map like this in the future and more frequently, I think players such as myself would love to keep playing. Another one of my favorite aspects of the season so far is the new weapon variants laid throughout the map. The new PPSH submachine gun is an absolute killer weapon, literally. Last season kind of lost me because the weapon selection felt weak. I have high hopes for Warzone going forward because of the season so far and it’s a nice thing. I loved the game when it originally came out but I started to feel bored by its stagnant map. Here’s hoping that they keep the train rolling strong.