Remedy Entertainment has confirmed in their Business Review report that Max Payne 1 and 2 Remakes are expected to enter full production in Summer 2024. Additionally, Remedy has confirmed that the development budget for the remakes has increased due to higher costs. Here are the relevant quotes from the document:
“Development fees increased from the comparison period, mainly due to higher development fees from Max Payne 1&2 remake.
Max Payne 1&2 remake continued in the production readiness stage. The game is expected to move into full production during the second quarter of 2024.”
It’s still a while until marketing even starts, but it’s nice to see a studio so open about its development timelines. Another reassuring thing revealed from the report is that Remedy Entertainment is finally making some profit with revenue increased by 56.2% in Q1 of 2024.
I’m excited to see what direction the remakes take. Will it be something like Dead Space Remake which is essentially a 1:1 remake with fancier visuals, or Resident Evil 4 Remake that’s a separate game altogether? Since Remedy is doing it themselves, I’m sure whatever route they go with will be faithful to the original titles.