Meet The Guard Role In SPECTRE's Latest Trailer

Symbiosis Games truly is set out to make the game that Ubisoft refuses to - a 'Spies Vs Mercs' style competitive multiplayer stealth action game inspired by Splinter Cell's mid-2000's glory days. Now that E3 is over and we fans of this classic game mode were left with our hopes dashed yet again, this Toronto-based indie developer is back with a trailer to remind us that they will deliver this game for us.

Meet the Reaper’s in the latest trailer for Spectre, their upcoming ‘Spectre vs Reaper’ style game that is set to follow the typical game mode of two Spectres versus two Reapers with timed matches. Players take turns playing on each side before determining the victor. Heavily armed and hungry to hunt down infiltrating Spectres, the Reaper character is played in the first-person perspective.

Indie developers have been carrying the weight of the game industry for the last few years and this game is just another bit of proof that they are listening more than the bigger companies are. I am excited for their Spectre-focused trailer that will follow this one and the eventual ability to play this game mode once again!