New Neo Geo Hardware is in the works!

Apparently there is a new Neo Geo system in the works over at SNK! Scratch that, make that there are possibly 2 new Neo Geo systems in the works over at SNK! The announcement was made during an investor relations call by SNK Corporation chairman Ge Zhihui. As of this moment the systems have only been revealed as Neo Geo 2 and Neo Geo 3. Apparently the decision to make the new systems was made due to the unexpectedly high sales of the Neo Geo Mini, a plug & play micro console that came pre-loaded with tons of or games!

It was also revealed during this same call that a New Metal Slug game is also in development for the new systems. It is not yet known if this game will be exclusive to the platform or not but it is said to be a different entry from the Metal Slug game in development over at Tencent. If this entry is considered mainline it will be the first mainline entry in the long running franchise in nearly 10 years. Hopefully we won’t have to wait long for more information on either of these left field reveals!

Do you want SNK to re-enter the hardware game to take on the likes of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo?