Original Audible Drama ASSASSIN'S CREED GOLD Announced

Good news for fans of Assassin’s Creed! Audible has announced that they are releasing an original drama on February 27th, 2020. Titled Assassin’s Creed Gold, the exciting thriller is set in the world of the award-winning video games series, and it will star Riz Ahmed, Anthony Head, Danny Wallace, and Tamara Lawrence.

The Assassin’s Creed series has always possessed a fascinating mix of history, action, and adventure, and the new eight-episode series will continue that legacy. The Assassins and the Templars have locked in violent struggle once again, and Audible has brought on some fabulous British talent for the new drama. Riz Ahmed has starred in popular movies like Venom and Rogue One: A Star War Story. Anthony Head appeared in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Merlin, and so much more. Danny Wallace and Tamara Lawrence are also established, award-winning actors, so we’re excited to listen to the story.

Assassin’s Creed Gold is written by Anthony Del Col, and it follows Aliyah Kahn, a card shark and hustler, who’s been dealt a rough hand in life. Surviving through her smarts and street scams, Aliyah struggles to get by until she loses big time to a mysterious older man, Gavin Banks. Her only option to repay Banks is to become an Assassin, accessing the memories of her ancestor, a blind man named Omar Khalid. During her training, Banks tells Aliyah of the centuries-old battle between the Assassins and Templars, imploring her to help him decode a secret message inscribed on an illegal form of currency during the Great Recoinage of 1696.

Economic turmoil, famous historical figures, nail-biting action, and fantastic voice-acting. Who could ask for more? Assassin’s Creed Gold sounds like a gripping narrative set in 17th-century Britain. The world-building in Assassin’s Creed is first class, so it will be incredible to see another medium revisit one of the best universes in gaming.

You can pre-order Assassin’s Creed Gold now by clicking here.