PlayStation Announces State of Play To Share 14 PS5 and PSVR 2 Titles

PlayStation has just announced a brand new State of Play where they intend on annoucing 14 games for the PS5 and PSVR 2. Among the title will also be new first-party titles to look forward to if you feel the line-up has been a little dry lately.

Many fans were waiting but also anticipating that the State of Play would happen before the end of the month, and they all got their wish.

The latest State of Play will give us a brief look at games to expect for the later part of the year and more, and will last over 30 minutes. Immediately after the presentation is also the Silent Hill Transmission an hour later, which is another thing fans will be looking forward to.

This State of Play is much needed as fans are unaware of any other exclusives coming to the PS5 after the release of Stellar Blade recently, and breaking the silence has really made fans happy!

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