Prep For The Imminent Launch Of GEARS TACTICS By Watching Almost 2 Hours Of Early Gameplay

The long awaited release of Gears Tactics is almost upon us. To get everyone in the grub-killing mood, team members from both The Coalition and Splash Damage hosted a livestream early this morning, featuring a good amount of gameplay from the upcoming tactical strategy-shooter. The hosts also took this opportunity to answer some questions from fans that tuned into the live broadcast. 

If you weren’t able to attend just like I was, you can find the VOD of the broadcast by visiting the official Gears of War Twitch and YouTube channels. Gears Tactics drops tomorrow on Tuesday, April 28 at 3:00 PM UTC. If you aren’t sure what time that is in your local area, you can take a peek above at the time guide, generously provided to us by The Coalition.

Now is your last chance to pre-order the game and get the “Thrashball Cole” character pack, and 15% off your purchase. Those that have already pre-ordered can download the game ahead of its official launch time, so they can play the second the game is out. Gears Tactics is expected to launch on Xbox One sometime later this year, following the initial release.