Raccoon Simulator SNACCOON Available To Wishlist Now

Screenshots have provided a first look Snaccoon, an upcoming raccoon-themed stealth exploration game by indie developer Christian Sparks

Snaccoon received lots of attention for its premise at Gamescom 2022. The developer has stated his intention to keep devlogs to quarterly updates, due to other commitments. 

The game puts players in control of a greedy, and smarter-than-average raccoon, living in a densely-populated city. The raccoon loved snack foods, but unfortunately for him, the local government banned his favourite treats. The only way to acquire the junk food he craves is by getting involved in the city’s black market. 

Players will need to help their raccoon sneak through the streets and steal items that can be traded in order to work up to the end goal of the illegal snacks. Trying to avoid detection plays a large part, as size isn’t really on the protagonist’s side. Slinking through back alleys and squeezing through vents is a necessity.

While the game has sold itself to many on the concept alone, the screenshots reveal that the developer has visual competence on his side as well, with a cel-shaded raccoon walking against a very pretty-looking cityscape.  

The release date has yet to be announced, but the game is available to wishlist for PC via Steam.

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