Shiny Shoe announces INKBOUND, Coming to Early Access 2023

by Caleb Bearse

The studio behind 2020’s award-winning Monster Train, indie developer Shiny Shoe, has announced its upcoming project Inkbound. A co-op experience blending mechanics from ARPGs, tactics games, and roguelikes, Inkbound will be coming to Steam Early Access in 2023. Players will be able to dive into solo or co-op adventures with hybrid real-time/turn-based encounters. As players progress, they will unlock more abilities and items in each of their roguelike runs.

Inkbound takes place in The Atheneum, a world that contains all the stories that have ever been written. Anything written in Ink can become real, which can lead to all sorts of exciting adventures. Spooky carnivals, near-apocalyptic ancient ruins, and many more stories can be explored. Players take control of Binders, the caretakers of these stories, and can go anytime and anywhere as long as it has been written. If it hasn’t, maybe they will write some stories of their own!

With a combat system that intends to blend kinetic brawling of ARPGs with the in-depth strategy of a tactics game, turns will be snappy and quick even though players also have the opportunity to slow down and take their time evaluating threats they face. Choosing optimal moments to rush in or position correctly for an aimed ranged attack will be pivotal to players’ success.

Inkbound is built around cooperative gameplay to further enhance these tactical elements. Binders can work together to debuff enemies and follow up with coordinated attacks, or have someone stay safe in the back and heal their allies. Every roguelike run is different, which will push players to adapt to each challenge. Co-op is rewarded, but not required, with Binders able to embark on solo adventures. However, the safest way to take down the biggest foes will be teaming up. Create adventures with your friends or make some new ones along the way when Inkbound comes to Steam Early Access next year.

Check out the announcement trailer below and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Make sure to go to the official Inkbound website, which includes details on signing up for their beta.

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