SIMULACRUM Officially Launches Chapter One - For Free

The indie team Prymordium has officially launched their Silent Hill inspired game, Simulacrum, for all to play. It is only the first chapter of many to come, but they have released it for free on Gamejolt using the “pay what you want” option. This gives players a chance to download the first chapter, play through it, and if they truly enjoy the work they are doing with this game then they can contribute toward the continued development!

While many players would rather stick to games on Steam when it comes to PC gaming, I was lucky enough to play this chapter before its final release and it is beyond worth it if you are a fan of the classic Silent Hill games. The development and passion are incredibly well shown in this first chapter of the game and could very well be the new experience we have been waiting for since the fall of Team Silent. By the time I reached the end of the chapter, I was both confused from the story set up and thrilled to have experienced a game that was so familiar to the original series that inspired its creation.

Simulacrum Chapter One is a free-to-play title on Gamejolt, so what do you have to lose? If you are a fan of Silent Hill, then I can pretty much guarantee that you will enjoy your time figuring out the puzzles through this first chapter. Feel the nostalgia while playing through a whole new experience!