Solve A Puzzling Murder Mystery In LORELEI AND THE LASER EYES

Announced today during the Nintendo Direct Mini is a new title from Annapurna Interactive. This murder mystery puzzle game is being developed by the indie team Simogo and has been given the title Lorelei and The Laser Eyes. From the reveal trailer to the title, this game is looking to bring a convoluted story to players as they solve their way through the case.

Players linger in a surreal reality alongside a woman wandering a baroque manor in search of answers to a macabre murder. Along the way, players will encounter a strange cast of characters–a ghost, an illusionist, a black dog–that lure them even deeper into the nightmarish, deceptive mystery. Become immersed in a dreamlike world, submerge in an ornate illusion, observe hidden patterns, and untangle the meaning behind puzzling, mind-bending enigmas.

Lorelei and The Laser Eyes is slotted for release in 2023 on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch. Hopefully, we will get to learn more about this game with the next reveal they release when we are given an official release date.