Turn-Based Space Opera SPACE CATS TACTICS Gets A Release Date

Mitzi Games has been developing its turn-based RPG, Space Cats Tactics, and is now ready for a planned release date. The game centers around turn-based spaceship combat on a grid with crew management to keep all hands ready, willing, and able.

Enemy ships ranging from motherships to smaller combat vessels litter space and provide threatening obstacles for the player. But that’s not all! Cosmic gas, asteroids, and crew-based issues will need to be dealt with alongside enemy ships. Certain crewmembers will need to be sent to certain areas of the ship depending on their skills to maximize efficiency. Crew relationships will also need to be maintained as well as the ship itself, requiring upgrades.

This space opera story is set around the player character, Captain Mitzi. Mitzi is a mercenary tasked with stealing a ship called the Curiosity and delivered to a specific corner of the galaxy. Everything changes when the ship turns out to be a much more dangerous journey than previously thought and will send Mitzi on a quest where they’ll decide what kind of captain they want to be.

Mitzi’s race is a half-human, half-cat hybrid created by humans for enslavement. The cat people gained independence but are still despised and so they take the jobs that no human will take. This is why Mitzi finds themselves aboard a ship that is more than meets the eye. There is a chance of survival, but only with the player’s help.

Space Cats Tactics will be released on July 24th on PC via Steam.

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