Upcoming Strategy Game BOC: BIRTH OF CULTURES Gets Teaser Trailer

Developer Code::Arts and publisher Camlann Games are taking the stage to showcase an upcoming historical 4X strategy game titled BOC: Birth of Cultures with a teaser trailer. It’s always great to see an indie developer working on a new title and even better to be awarded a trailer for proof of concept. Smaller companies have created passionate and high-quality projects in the past and this project looks to be no different, both for its genre and ambition. 

The game will focus on the historical strategy genre and will allow the player to work their way up from a small group of nomads in the last ice age, to civilizations that rival even Rome and Egypt. Players will be able to settle on unique planets and start their journey to greatness with loads of extra features to keep busy. Here are the other features of the game:

  • The game scraps the fog of war method, instead utilizing the planet’s natural curve to limit the player's scope of vision for a uniquely immersive experience.

  • Battles and outcomes rely heavily on the environment. Sunlight, temperature, weather, terrain, and biomes are all serious factors in victory or defeat.

  • A record-breaking map size with 491,000 hexagonal lands to conquer makes up the entire play area.

  • Large-scale battles have no limit, allowing huge and intense battles.

BOC: Birth of Cultures will be available on PC via Steam later this year. Players can wishlist the game and join the official discord to stay up to date.

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