WWI Epic 1917 By Sam Mendes Filmed As One Shot

First-person shooters have a way of immersing a gamer into an experience, and the best games also have a daunting campaign that reveals the brutal reality of warfare and the experiences of soldiers in conflicts around the world. The first two entries in the Infinity Ward Modern Warfare series. The personal war stories in Dice’s Battlefield 1. And so many more. Bringing the camera in close helps the viewer to experience the history and the horror of war.

Sam Mendes plans for the same experience with his next cinematic project. 1917, which tells the story of two British soldiers on a desperate mission in World War I, has been produced to draw in the audience. Shot and edited to appear as one continuous shot, the film will follow the journey of Schofield and Blake.

The synopsis: “In a race against time, they must cross enemy territory and deliver a message that will stop a deadly attack on hundreds of soldiers—Blake’s own brother among them.”

1917 releases on December 25th, 2019.