Based on the incredibly popular mean goose from Untitled Goose Game by House House, a fan named Sam Chiet has created a goose to terrorize your desktop! From being just a simple and funny game idea that lead to being a Top Indie Game of 2019 is now inspiring a whole new field of works. Desktop companions aren’t exactly a new idea, but one that can overlap any screen, including full-screen active video games, just to steal your mouse and bring you memes is something else.

If you want to download Desktop Goose, the official name of this little computer app, then be sure to consider dropping an offer to the creator since it is listed as “Name Your Own Price.” While you are welcome to get it for free, it is always nice to at least tip someone who brings you entertainment through hard work and skill of their own. But as a warning, before you download, be sure to check out the trailer and see what you are getting yourself into! It may have been fun to terrorize as the Goose, but this time you are just another townsfolk.