Gregor is a member of the Eternal Fellowship and an Ambassador of Time. But what matters most is that Gregor can control time in The Ambassador: Fracture Timelines. It’s a twin-stick fantasy shooter from developer tinyDino and publisher Quantum Astrophysicists Guild.

tinyDino has built a frantic combat experience where the enemies’ relentless attacks are only slowed by the chrono-manipulation of Gregor, the Ambassador of Time. The tactics involve constant movement, swordplay, and spellcasting.

A devastating attack has left Gregor without any comrades. The Eternal Fellowship has been fatally assaulted, and Gregor is the last of the Ambassadors. Only he can stop whatever apocalyptic event is coming.

The developers have pulled inspiration from classic indie games like Braid, The Binding of Isaac, and Nuclear Throne, but this twin-stick shooter comes to life on its own with gorgeous pixel art and a novel setting.

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines is slated for a PC release in Q3 of 2020. If you’ve ever wanted the power to stop time, this is a game to remember.