DISNEY VILLAINOUS: SUGAR & SPITE Review: Sweet, Sweet Victory

Product was provided by Ravensburger for review

What’s In The Box?

As Disney Villainous expansions usually come with three new characters, Sugar & Spite is Ravensburger’s first expansions box that only contains two characters. This expansion box comes with King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph and Shere Khan from The Jungle Book.

Design and Gameplay

The Sugar & Spite box is the best design we've had yet. The inside looks like it's filled with sugary sweets, and the sides feature all the previous expansions—a small detail that I think is pretty neat. The character piece designs are also sleek. King Candy’s piece resembles a little cart with a racer, and Shere Khan’s looks like a sophisticated tiger carving, both fitting their characters perfectly.

King Candy’s board offers the most unique gameplay we've seen. Unlike traditional characters, he moves on a race track, using three actions depending on where he lands. His objective is to beat Vanellope von Schweetz in a race while dealing with her glitch, making the gameplay feel tense and requiring close attention.

Shere Khan's objective is to defeat Mowgli when there are no fires in his domain. While defeating a hero isn’t unique, the fires make it interesting. Fires, coming from the fate deck, are little tokens that block actions. If not managed, they can spiral out of control, making you feel like you're losing your grasp on the objective.


King Candy’s objective is so unique that it was initially a bit hard to grasp. There are elements in his deck that aren’t fully clarified in his individual booklet, which added to the confusion. While introducing something fresh and innovative is always exciting, it can also present challenges if not explained thoroughly. King Candy’s gameplay mechanics, for instance, could benefit from more detailed instructions to ensure players understand how to maximize his unique abilities and strategies. Having clear explanations would enhance the enjoyment and accessibility of playing such a distinct character, allowing players to fully appreciate the novelty he brings to the game.


Sugar and Spite is another outstanding expansion for the Villainous series. There aren’t many characters that fall flat in the series but Shere Khan and King Candy are sure to become table favorites, especially King Candy. With his objective being so needy the character feels very interactive and replayable especially if you understand how he’s played.

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