ENLISTED Is The New Free FPS Game That You Need To Try Out!

There are a bunch of different military shooters for PC and a few on consoles, and it can honestly be difficult at times to tell them apart. Luckily, this one does something new. Enlisted is a WWII military FPS game where you’re able to take command of a 4-man squad, switching between them through the press of a button.

I’ve had a chance to play a bit of this lately as it’s been available to download for several weeks now in its open-beta state. It’s a really neat title that does offer some difference over the other games in the genre. For instance, while you take command of your squad, switching between them, you don’t have to completely respawn until the entire squad is wiped out. You can also take part in normal modes where you’re only playing as a single soldier for a more familiar experience.

The game also does a fine job at towing the line between realism and arcade as I never found the gameplay to be too demanding but it also never felt unrealistic or silly. As far as a free game goes, you should at least download it and see if it’s something you’d be interested in investing time into. It’s got great gunplay and graphics which make it feel like a premium experience.

There’s a free bonus right now if you sign up for the game as well! Just use code “ENLISTNOW” in-game to get it.

Enlisted is available now for free to download on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.