HALO 6 Is On Its Way Afterall

A few days ago, 343 Industries revealed Halo: Fireteam Raven, which is a cool arcade cabinet develop by arcade moguls Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix together with 343 Industries. Although the new arcade game looks fun and all, several fans of the franchise wondered whether the game’s developer has focused their resources on the arcade game rather than on Halo 6, or whatever the next main installment in the franchise will be called

Recently, however, Halo community manager Brian Jarrard revealed to Twitter that Fireteam Raven did not affect the team on 343 Industries that is hard at work on Halo 6. Jarrard made it clear that Fireteam Raven was made by Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix. Of course, 343 Industries was involved in the process, but actual work and development were done by the arcade companies. 

Given that Halo 5 was released three years ago, and Halo 4 and 5 also has a three-year gap, it looks like this year is the perfect time for Microsoft to start stirring up some hype for Halo 6. Good thing that E3 is coming up in a few weeks from now, which will be the perfect venue for Microsoft to reveal the next Halo installment. 

Are you excited for Halo 6? What would you like to see on the next Halo game? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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