Is BATTLEFIELD 2042 The Cyberpunk 2077 Of 2021?

Last week, we put out our official review for EA and DICE’s Battlefield 2042, and to say that it was disappointing would be an understatement. The game suffers from a lack of content, basic legacy features, and its worse characteristic; bugs, bugs, and more bugs.

It’s easily the worst game I’ve played in 2021 due to its soul-crushing bugs that do more than invade almost every aspect of its gameplay by creeping into its main menus as well. Finding a single game without just one issue is even rarer than spotting Bigfoot at this point.

Luckily, EA and DICE released a statement about the issues in where they show a roadmap of what’s to come as well as the launch update that’s being released today. But while they acknowledge that there are issues with the game, they omit anything that remotely sounds like them taking responsibility for the game’s current state nor do they make any sort of apology.

For some, the statement we received is enough, but for those like me who have been getting a little too tired of these companies basically stealing money from people working hours just to buy these games, I’m very over giving devs or publishers free passes. Especially when it comes to these AAA companies, they shouldn’t be given a free pass.

In my eyes, their statement does absolutely nothing but pretend like the ongoing issues aren’t that big of a deal. Meanwhile, the game barely plays correctly the majority of the time. As players, we shouldn’t have to wait months for the game we purchased to actually work as intended. It doesn’t work that way.

Time and time again EA and their AAA devs deliver buggy and at times, unplayable games like it’s a normal thing. Think Battlefield 4, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Anthem, and now Battlefield 2042. It’s just a gross type of work practice that EA has as they really don’t seem to show that they have any passion for their games or for making sure that quality is given to them for their consumers.

At least for me, EA just doesn’t do a good job at any of their endeavors these days unless it’s an indie title. It’s just mind-boggling that in the same year, EA published both Battlefield 2042 and It Takes Two. The worst game of 2021 and the best. 2021 continues to be a weird year.