It's Almost Time To Cozy Up With WANDERFUL

Developer Tiny Roar and Publisher Daedalic Entertainment have teamed up to create Wanderful, a comfy, zany, cute building and exploration game where you place tiles to expand your world along with small adventures and big surprises for your characters to uncover. 

Wanderful is a game Tiny Roar has made in order to explore new ways to tell stories through game mechanics. A perfect game for winding down and casual play, Wanderful will focus on the player uncovering secrets as they gaze at the beautiful landscape in sessions that last 5 to 30 minutes. Players can build a unique story at their own pace, play strategically, and creatively, slow down, or race through the game to beat previous high scores.

So far there are multiple other main features that have been announced for Wanderful. There will be multiple unlockable biomes that will make every game different and add plenty of variation to the game. In addition, the soundtrack will be influenced by the tiles that you place. Lastly, there will be a flexible camera system to make the view of the game enjoyable.

Wanderful will be launching to Steam Early Access sometime soon; stay tuned to Daedalic’s Twitter and Facebook for more details on release timing.

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