LATE SHIFT Arrives On The Nintendo Switch This Month

After the crime thriller game Late Shift's recent launch on the PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, developer Wales Interactive confirmed via Twitter that the game will also be heading for the Nintendo Switch. The game will be available on the eShop by April 26, 2018. 

Late Shift revolves around the story of Matt, a mathematics student forced to rob an auction house in London and is left struggling to prove his innocence. The player’s decisions in-game will be crucial to how the story progresses. Every choice from beginning to end will determine the outcome of the story and which of the seven endings the player is going to end up with. 

The story of Late Shift was written by the writer of the 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie and will present over 180 decision points to the player in the “choose-you-own-adventure” live-action game. Perhaps the most unique feature of the Late Shift is that the game was shot in full live-action HD, giving players an interactive hybrid between a movie and a video-game tied together with profoundly immersive storytelling. 

Late Shift was developed by CtrlMovie in partnership with Wales Interactive and is currently available on the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Switch version of the game is priced at $12.99 and will be available on the eShop on April 26, 2018. 

What do you think of Late Shift? Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure where your moral compass determines your fate? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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