Latest Dev Diary From Bokeh Game Studio Shows SLITTERHEAD Alpha Footage

A game that was announced a couple of years ago has been getting very little news announced, but the developers have been posting videos that express the life behind the work. Bokeh Game Studio has a couple of video series, but it wasn’t until their latest video in their Dev Diary series that we got a glimpse at alpha gameplay for Slitterhead.

While it is easy to enjoy their Golden Hour video series, the Dev Diary series has been what has caught my attention most from this studio’s YouTube channel. Having such big names from my favorite horror series, Silent Hill, I have been waiting to see what exactly to expect from the new studio’s debut title. Now, we got a glimpse, and the feelings are mixed.

Throughout the video, there are multiple different glimpses. First, we get to see the main character that we will be playing as. Then we start seeing some combat, first with a sword and some form of power before moving to a new scene where we have some kind of weird claw weapon. As this is alpha footage, it isn’t worth mentioning to anybody about the other qualities of the game at this point, but I am not sure I am excited to see the claws. I like the sword and powers - both concepts known for cool factors in action games - but the claws look clunky and the block looks unrealistic with them, even for an alpha stage. Perhaps I am just being picky and I won’t actually know until there is a playable demo or proper trailer to reveal it, but let me not leave on a negative note here.

The majority of what we are looking at looks pretty intriguing! Those monsters definitely have that Silent Hill quality to their design and the different attack styles presented from just two different enemies has me excited to see the diverse horrors this game will hold. Let’s not skip over the fact that there are confirmed moments where we play as a dog! Plus, the sword being red gives off the impression it will be a form of blood-infused weapon. Not to mention the smallest glimpse of powers that this game is going to include - talk about hype-inducing!

In the end, this is yet another informative Dev Diary from the team and the quick look into the developmental progress of Slitterhead is refreshing after the lack of updates since it was first revealed. What are your thoughts on these first looks into the game?