I never played any Witcher titles prior to The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, but man did I love that game! It has a great story with multiple possibilities, twists, and turns, bursting through the seams with areas to explore, and not to mention that you can make that game as complicated as you want it to be. It is both a great game for those of us that love spending countless hours discovering new areas and completing sidequests without any pressure to continue the main quest and viceversa, you can get through the main quest exclusively without having to worry about completing sidequests. All the awards that it got are absolutely well deserved, in my opinion. I’m actually playing through new game plus in preparation for the upcoming DLC later this month, and I’m feeling absolutely pumped about it! Which is why, opinions aside, it pains me to write about the latest news from Eurogamer and their sit-down with CD Projekt Red’s co-founder Marcin Iwinski.
But first lets look at the trailer of the upcoming and final DLC:
Ok, now we can get into it. Iwinski tells Eurogamer that although it’s nothing set in stone, the studio has absolutely zero plans for a followup Witcher game.
“As we said before, never say never [but] right now it’s really Blood and Wine. This is the end. Blood and Wine is [the] closing and there won’t be any Witcher any time soon - if there ever will be one. And I would really like to see how people feel about it, if they will enjoy it.”
Iwinski notes that the title that they are currently working on is, Cyberpunk 2077, which if you check out the trailer below, looks totally badass and has this Judge Dredd meets Blade Runner feel to it.
Aside from this, they are also working on an undisclosed triple-A RPG title that was previously suspected to be a Witcher IV game to which he assured that it is most definitely not. What he did say is that he’s proud of his studio and that they put a lot of heart in their games which is why it was previously mentioned that Blood and Wine, the final expansion, will look even better than the core experience. In an interview with the senior environment artist earlier this month it was revealed that the game had a complete graphical overhaul with 90% new environmental assests, new lighting, twenty times the amount of vegetation, and is expected to hit 30 frames per second on consoles from day one. In Iwinski’s own words,
“Blood and Wine is the dot on the end of a beautiful sentence which is The Witcher III.”
This news is bittersweet because although I am disappointed to see a newfound series that I just learned to love come to an end, I am excited to play CD Projekt Red’s future titles, not only because I really enjoyed my time playing through one of their games, but also because I have a great appreciation for the way this company does business. Unlike most companies that will sell you crappy DLCs, they provided all those who purchased their game with sixteen free DLCs, albeit some of them small, but still, who does that? And then we have their expansions, Hearts of Stone was critically well-received and from the sound of it, Blood and Wine looks to push the limits of what their base game accomplished rather than being just a cash grab.
Blood and Wine will release on May 31st and Cyberpunk 2077 has a release window of 2017-2021.