Lots Of New Updates Coming To LEAGUE OF LEGENDS With A Midseason Update

Lots of news just dropped for fans of League of Legends with Riot Games’ new Midseason Developer Update. The Dev Update series launched earlier this year with the goal of providing the LoL community with more timely and candid updates on upcoming plans for League of Legends. In this update, many topics are covered from backend coding updates, to champion updates, to updates on the professional scene.

To start off there are a bunch of big updates to ranked play, first of all, Ranked resets will now happen twice per year. In addition, ranking up between tiers will now be a best of 3 rather than 5. The devs will also be upgrading the rewards players receive from playing ranked games. What this means is that for returning players this is the best time to jump back into the game, the full dev blog can be found here.

After that we have good news for players tired of bots in their games, Riot just had a massive bot-banning wave. On the other side of bots, Riot will be updating their actual bots for casual play with AI opponents and allies. The full dev update on Riot’s personal bots can be found here.

The last set of big news includes various updates to items, more slots on the emote wheel, fixing voice lines, a reminder of MSI coming up, and the release of a Champion Roadmap discussing new champions Naafiri and Briar, a new mystery champion, Skarner’s rework, and Jax’s visual update. That’s all for the large news drop from Riot this week, but we can always be sure the LoL community will always have something going on.

League of Legends is available on PC for free via the League of Legends Website.

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