MORTAL SHELL Released A Free Update For All Players To Enjoy

In light of having a successful launch, Cold Symmetry has released its first content update for Mortal Shell to all platforms at no charge to the players. This update is called Rotten Autumn and it brings a new mini-quest, ten new skins, an alternative soundtrack, and a powerful new photo editor.

After updating their game, players should head over to Gorf, the humongous verbose amphibian with enigmatic dialogue and mysterious intentions. Gorf will provide players with their new mini-quest and if they are successful then they will be rewarded handsomely with up to ten new Shell shades. From Solomon’s Dracula-inspired war-paint to Eredrim’s regal yellow trim, these new skins let players demonstrate their combat mastery in a style that suits.

If you haven’t purchased Mortal Shell yet and have been considering it, now would be the best time to grab a copy since they are selling it for 20% off right now on both PlayStation and the Epic Games Store. This same deal will be coming to Xbox later this week.