PlayStation To Slow Download Speed In Effort To Ease Internet Load In Europe

Jim Ryan posted on the PlayStation Blog about the company’s efforts to assist internet service providers (ISPs) by slowing and delaying game downloads.

Video games are one of the best forms of entertainment right now, with players all over the world connecting with each other online while everyone stays indoors. However, the high volume of online traffic is burdensome to ISPs, so Sony Interactive Entertainment is working with these companies to help preserve access for the entire internet community.

Internet stability is definitely not something else we want to worry about right now, so it makes sense that Sony and other companies like Netflix are trying to avoid overwhelming providers with high-volume, high-demand traffic.

The SIE president wanted players to be aware of possible delays or slowed downloads, but he guaranteed that gameplay will not be adversely affected.

It’s likely that more streaming companies and gaming platforms will follow suit.

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