RARE's Never-Before-Seen CONKER: GETTIN' MEDIEVAL Concept

Today Rare Software tweeted a look at their unreleased sequel to Conker: Live & Reloaded, the fantasy-themed siege combat game Conker: Gettin' Medieval. Designer Chris Seavor discusses his plans for what would have been a multiplayer platform shooter featuring a slew of characters from the Conker universe. The crude squirrel with gaming's most famous hangover would've taken a back seat to Death himself in this rampant mulitplayer massacre. The video ends with a collection of never-before-seen concept art from inside the Rare studios.

An overview of one of the Conker games that never made it, the time-straddling multiplayer epic Conker: Gettin' Medieval (with two 't's despite the logo). Complete with a showcase of never-before-seen concept artwork.

No author bio. End of line.