Xbox Series X|S Review Key Provided By Jutsu Games
The tried and true formula of the classic GTA games has been recreated many times over, but none had really caught my attention up until recently. The title in question came from Modus Games and Jutsu Games and is simply called, Rustler.
Rustler takes not only the gameplay of the early GTA titles but even its satirical story elements and meta themes, placing them in a medieval setting. Just imagine Mel Brooks’ Robin Hood: Men in Tights meets GTA 2, and that’s Rustler in a nutshell. It’s a fun and silly romp that doesn’t go out of its way to be an overwhelming open-world slog.
You’re placed in the shoes of the game’s main character, aptly named, Guy. Guy, along with his buddy Buddy, are working their way up in the criminal underbelly of this medieval world. Of course, shenanigans ensue and there’s a wealth of pitfalls and antics that these silly chaps get up to.
It’s a good enough story that offers a lot of stupid yet funny jokes as well as some meta-humor that I really appreciated, as a kid who grew up on GTA. It shows that the developers themselves have a huge love for what they do and it leaves a lasting impression.
The vast majority of gameplay is what you’d come to expect not only in classic GTA games but in open-world games as a whole. I would say though that this game uses these aspects we’ve come to expect in some pretty unique ways.
There’s a large arsenal of different weapons to use, from traditional knight-ish weapons like swords, shields, and axes, to the more interesting types like a scythe and even horse dung. There are also a plethora of vehicles to commandeer. There are different types of horses that have their own speeds as well as different types of carriages.
The game does a great job at putting itself out there as a playground for which you can just go wild. Admittedly, horse chases with police are extremely fun especially when taking place in the tight streets of the kingdoms and villages. It's something you really can't find in any another game.
There are main missions and side missions to take part in, all of which have a nice flow of variation. There were some creative ideas that made them feel wholely original. For example; one mission had me scare townspeople whilst dressed as the Grim Reaper. It was times like this that really made me smile to myself.
There are also mini-games set up around the world such as horse races or fight clubs that give you a chance to earn some more money so that you can buy supplies or even additional properties. There are also horses that carry with them the chance to take up a quick job as well.
Rustler tries to add an RPG element to its gameplay by implementing skills. These are the average type of things you’d come to expect; increased health, speed, ammo capacity, and so on. It’s cool that it’s there but I’m honestly kind of tired of these RPG elements being attached to every open-world game these days. Earning skill points can be done just by playing missions as well as collecting random horseshoes from around the map.
Audio and Visuals
I really enjoyed what Rustler had to offer both visually and audio-wise. It’s nothing groundbreaking but it also didn’t feel like they cheaped out either. It’s pleasant and very appropriate for the game’s setting.
It's pretty funny to see stop signs and street signs strewn throughout these villages as well as graffiti on its walls. Horses are often parked in actual parking spots along the side of the roads which is another silly sight that just made me smile and shake my head.
I'll also say that the music is pretty great as you’ll often come across real songs done in a medieval-style or even people beatboxing along the streets. A gameplay plus is the fact that you can hire bards to follow you around and play their lutes while you commit your crimes.
I think Rustler is a great game to just turn your brain off with. It’s a big open sandbox where you are free to just roam around and cause trouble. It’s one of those games that I think anyone would enjoy having to play on a day when they don’t wanna play something that’s going to need too much brainpower.
What It Could Have Done Better
I think the driving mechanics could be tightened up a bit more. Sometimes, it just feels bad to drive these horses or carts around. I’d also have liked to see a little bit more to do within the world. The game has its fair share of things to do but I think the devs could’ve come up with even more.
I liked the majority of the game’s map but some points just feel like wasted opportunities. I just get samey vibes in some areas because of the blandness. This could be due in part to them being barren because of the fact that they’re forests but something to differentiate them would’ve been an improvement.
Overall, I think that Rustler is a fun time, with no attention real required. It’s a simple and fun game that does its job very well. While I do have a couple of gripes with it, I enjoyed my time and I hope to see an even bigger and crazier sequel if there ever is a chance. If you’re a fan of the birds-eye open-world sandbox, dive right in.