SIFU Wants To Know If You're Ready For Fight Club?

The new gameplay teaser for Sloclap’s Sifu, aptly named “Fight Club” shows off some of its truly unique combat and gameplay elements. The game’s main respawning gimmick is that when you die and come back, your character gets older. It’s a truly unique mechanic that I cannot wait to see in action. I’m very curious as to how it changes the gameplay overall.

The combat is extremely weighty as every hit is felt even just by watching the trailer. One surprising piece of the trailer for me is the verticality and movement allowed throughout the levels. You can move freely and even climb over things such as walls and furniture at your leisure. It’s cool to see that this game has layers to it besides it just focusing on combat. I’m so excited to see its full product at launch

Sifu releases this Fall and will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC.