
Anyone who has played games for any length of time knows that feeling. That feeling of confusion, sadness, topped off with a whip of all consuming anger when you can't beat that level you've been working on for an hour. Whether it's Dark Souls, Candy Crush, or Bubsy 3D (yeah, no one is playing Bubsy 3D), the same feeling occurs. 

Super Rude Bear Resurrection aims to solve that conundrum and still retain its challenge. Creator Alex Rose shares a bit on the origin of the premise.

I always thought it was a shame that people could love these games as much as me but ultimately get stuck halfway through, and end up never seeing a lot of the game even though they’d like to.
I really wanted to make a game that would fix that problem, and make a super hardcore game that everyone would be able to beat, but I wanted to make sure the game was still fun for players who are into mega hard challenges – I didn’t want to devalue their experience.

So, how does the game do that you ask? Let's say you die by landing on a buzzsaw. Instead of constantly attempting to avoid the same thing over and over again until you somehow miraculously manage it, your corpse stays behind on the spot where you died. Next time you run through there, your corpse is now blocking the buzzsaw that killed you originally, so now you can land on your corpse and continue on through the level. It's a novel concept, and insures that players don't just get frustrated and quit because they can't manage some insane jump. You can use this mechanic in a myriad of ways, whether it is to clog an opening, raise you to another level, block a projectile. etc. 

Plus, his background in dynamics and physics insures the game will be extremely tight to control, at least that is the hope.

Catch the trailer above, and look out for more from Super Rude Bear Resurrection during Paris Games Week. The game will be releasing sometime next year. 

No author bio. End of line.