Review key provided by the publisher
Ever since I really got into story-driven games in my high school years, RPG has been the genre that I could never really crack for myself. I was enthralled by Mass Effect 2 but couldn’t spare my energy on The Witcher 3. I enjoyed becoming V in Cyberpunk 2077, but skipped most dialogue when given the chance in Skyrim. I’ve had a very hot and cold relationship with the genre, to put it lightly.
Luckily, as more games release and developers test new ideas and see gamers’ tastes, we get games like Terra Memoria. Self-branded as a cozy RPG of sorts, Terra Memoria was created to give players exactly what we’ve come to expect from a modern RPG but in a more universally consumable way. The results, are delicious.
Story and Gameplay
As with most RPGs, Terra Memoria’s story is set during a tenuous time. You’ll play as Syl and five other wonderful characters as you explore and uncover the mystery of Syl’s lost parents, as well as how to rid the world of enemies invading it. It’s a great tale that, while offering a breezy way of role-playing, brings life to this vast and charming world. It’s easy to fall in love with the characters of this game, and part of its coziness is in how it almost feels like an RPG taking place in a Disney film. It’s hard to explain, but that’s a big compliment coming from me.
What I really enjoyed about Terra Memoria’s gameplay, aside from its dumbed-down conversation mechanics, is its combat. Part of my touch and go relationship with RPGs is also its turn-based nature, in most cases. But here, It feels more like I’m playing a board game than a typical turn-based game. It may sound weird to say it that way, but I’ve never actually seen it played out so fluidly as it is here. It makes it easy for noobs of the genre, or those that just can’t get right into it the chance to actually become an enjoyed.
Though, combat in combat’s toned-down approach is much appreciated, the other details of this title's gameplay also have you coming back for more. There’s a lot to explore in this game’s world, offering players the chance to take part in environmental puzzles and mini-games, as well as crafting needed items to get through the game. Collectibles can be found throughout as well as side-quests to complete, adding neat little flourishes that keep the exploration feeling fresh.
Audio and Visuals
The thing that gives a cozy game its true essence is its presentation. And in Terra Memoria, it’s grade-A. From the ambient sounds across its landscapes, to the sweeping harmonies of its score, there’s a lot to get immersed with in the world of Terra. But it wouldn’t be complete without its warm, gorgeous hand-drawn locales. I mean, this game truly is a looker. It’s got to be one of, if not the best looking game that I’ve played in 2024. And that’s saying a lot.
I absolutely love the fact that the game’s developer was able to create such an wonderful, heartfelt game that’s bar of entry is so accessible. As someone who loves to try new things, games like this allow players like myself to get out of our comfort zones. Terra Memoria is a modern classic.
Whether you’re a young player, a noob to RPGs, or someone like me who could just never find that right fit, give Terra Memoria a chance. It’s a gorgeous, fun, and memorable title that will keep you excited as you traverse its wild lands and defeat enemies in engaging, low stakes battles. If you want to learn to appreciate RPGs a little more, then this is a title to boot up and get cozy with.