THE PATHLESS Stuns on Playstation 5

Path to Perfection

Very rarely do gameplay, graphics, sound and art come together to create a near perfect gaming experience. When this proverbial lightning strike occurs, I tend to not only recognize but praise the ability to bring it all together for sublime combination of gaming goodness. Developer Giant Squid has pulled this all together and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with The Pathless so far.

Even though The Pathless is available on multiple platforms, it absolutely soars on the Playstation 5. With options for both a full resolution 4K 30 FPS experience or with a 60 FPS near 4K mode, I definitely prefer the 60 FPS for the smooth sailing action of the game while still looking like a stunner. Not only does the game look and sound fantastic, sliding through the forest and shooting off arrows is a particularly satisfying combo. Part Breath of the Wild, part BELOW and another part completely unique, The Pathless is getting the most attention on my PS5 currently. Check it out the full site here