Try RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE Before You Buy With A Newly Announced Demo!

Well, it would seem Capcom is going to continue its trend of releasing playable demos of its high profile releases as a demo for Resident Evil 3 has just been announced on the official Resident Evil Twitter page! No real info about the demo has been released at this time other than its confirmation and that more info will be coming soon. If this demo follows the trends set by the Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 demos release will likely happen 2 weeks prior to the games April 3 launch. That would put the likely release for the demo on March 20th which would let the game build up some hype during the peak of DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing’s release day craze. Of course, this is just speculation on my part and chances are it won’t happen this way but it would be a pretty cool move to see! It will also be great to see which part of the game they use for the demo and how many Nemesis sequences will be included.

What do you hope to see from a Resident Evil 3 demo?