Updates Worth Trying (May 2024): SYSTEM SHOCK, ISONZO, And CALL OF DUTY

Sometimes it’s good to go back to some of the games that we’ve played over the last few months or even years, as there are often times improvements made to gameplay in small ways. But oftentimes, developers add full overhauls that make it feel like a new game entirely. Today, we’ll be talking about a few games we’ve played recently who’s updates are worth checking out!

System Shock

Last year’s System Shock remake enticed fans with a beautifully re-imagined version of the iconic RPG that is held so fondly in the hearts of gamers. In 2024 however, System Shock has gotten some really exciting new improvements lately, such as enhanced controls for keyboard and mouse users, as well as better controller support as well. But that’s just the surface-level stuff because the latest update (v1.2) brought along with it a reworked ending for the game’s finale and the chance to actually play as a female protagonist, which is my favorite new addition.


If you’re into realistic FPS titles, then Isonzo may be right up your alley. With a focus on realistic WWI combat, players can engage in some of the most brutal combat available. With newly enhanced quality-of-life improvements added to consoles and new game modes and events happening regularly, such as the recently wrapped, “Ascent”, there’s always a good reason to check out some of what this title has to offer players.

Call of Duty

Perhaps my favorite on this list; the new S3 Reloaded season for Call of Duty is some of the most exciting stuff I’ve seen from the brand’s seasonal content in a while. With returning game modes such as Vortex, completely original ones premiering, and store bundles such as Tracer Pack: Wubz and Friends and the Echo Endo: Vibrant Vixen Tracer Pack, the game continues to beckon me back for more. It’s an extremely good time worth testing out, especially if you’re a Snoop Dogg fan. Plus there’s the addition of Warzone Mobile which allows the fun to be taken anywhere.