WARHAMMER 40,000: TACTICUS Shows Off The Black Legion In New Trailer

Snowprint Studios has revealed the newest faction for Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, the Chaos-backed Black Legion. Led by Abaddon the Despoiler, most potent of the Chaos Champions, the Black Legion are Space Marines who took the path of Chaos to become strong. Not only are they as strong as the space marines, they are supercharged by their unholy connection to Chaos and are able to unleash daemons and utilize those chaos powers in battle.

The new units for the Chaos Corrupted Black Legion are as follows:

  • Angrax - This Terminator champion uses the feared lightning claws in battle.

  • Volk - The Obliterator is a beast of destruction fused with range weapons and powerful melee attacks.

  • Archimatos - Summoning daemons comes naturally to a Master of Possession.

  • Haarken Worldclaimer - The Black Legion Herald is first to planets signaling their coming doom.

  • Abaddon the Despoiler - Leading the Chaos forces against the Imperium. Some say Abaddon is the biggest threat in the galaxy.

Check out the trailer for these new threats to the galaxy below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Keep an eye on GameTyrant for the latest gaming news.

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