WARHAMMER: CHAOSBANE is a Flawed Diablo-esque Beauty on Playstation 5

Beauty with Blemish

I love Action RPGs. I crave Action RPGs. Sadly, the entire genre is full of a few big hits, a lot of misses and a metric buttload of what I consider ‘mixed bags’. The recent Slayer Edition of last year’s Chaosbane has hit PS5 and it definitely has some gorgeous moments and quality but is also marked with imperfections. First off, the amount of class choices are a definite win and of course, I gravitate towards mages/casters. The amount of cool spells and abilities is definitely a nice touch as well.

The voice acting, sound effects, and most of the spell effects are a joy to behold. Also, the story with Warhammer flair is surprisingly good. There is a meaty campaign and a ton to do so where do the imperfections come in? Well, mainly, for a loot based game, the loot has to be cool right? Well, that’s really where things start to fall apart. The inventory and loot management screens and textures look like something out of late PS2/early PS3 era. It’s a stark contrast to the detailed and stunning environments and backgrounds present in this version. Sadly, the loot doesn’t even look cool or excited to find look as it mostly looks the same and increasing their stats didn’t make me feel more powerful or make the game more enjoyable.

Still, if your looking for a solid ARPG in the Warhammer with good story, fun action but can look past the loot flaws, you’ll enjoy this game. Also, as far as the PS5 version goes, the new controller features, gorgeous 4K environments and sound are definitely a showcase to impress those poor saps who didn’t get a PS5 on launch.