We've Been Playing The VALVE STEAM DECK and Can't Wait To Show You More

The Eagle Has Landed

The Valve Steam Deck package arrived this morning and like a kid on Christmas morning, I tore into it like a madman. For years I’ve been dreaming of playing full, high-quality PC games on the go and now, those dreams have come true. No, I don’t mean on a full-sized bulky laptop or a clunky knockoff mini PC you get from Wish.com but thee unit from Valve we’ve all been waiting for.

While I can confirm our review unit has arrived, we cannot share our impressions or full review until launch day, February 25th. While we can’t wait to show you all we’ve done with the system so far, that will give us plenty of time to put this little baby through our testing gauntlet and really see all that it can and can’t do. Be sure to check back in with us soon for more details as we’ll have not only more tech details but videos, screenshots, testing results, and more on launch day.

In the meantime, you should jump over and check out all the details and pre-order info right on the official Valve Steam Deck page.