What Games Are You Playing This Weekend?!

Happy Friday everyone! With another week in 2020 drawing to a close, what better to end the week than to get lost in some games. Action games, shooters, MOBA, RPG it doesn’t matter if it’s playable it should be played. This weekend I have my sights set on one thing and one thing only, Pokémon!

Pokémon Red


Back in 2016, I began a journey to beat every Gen 1 Pokemon title in Nuzlocke form and to complete the Pokedex. I started this journey with Pokemon Yellow but after completing it I was instantly burned out on the whole endeavor and it wasn’t until 2018 that I finally began and finished Pokemon Blue. Again after finishing it I was pretty burned out on the whole endeavor. But now in 2020, the journey is drawing to a close as I am almost done with Pokemon Red! Once this playthrough is complete all that remains is to complete the original 151 Pokedex and complete the last Gen 1 game.

Pokemon Stadium


Beating all of the battle challenges in Pokemon Stadium is something that has always eluded me. I have beaten a few cups here and there but never the whole shebang. Honestly, most attempts at the game devolve into minigame sessions because let’s be honest here, they rock! With a good portion of the cups earned already now is my time to finally get my surfing Pikachu!

Well, that is how I plan to spend my weekend. What about you, what games will keep you occupied this weekend? Let us know in the comments below!