WSS Playground Announces New Title BOYHOOD'S END

Why So Serious, inc (WSS Playground) has been developing and will publish a new adventure game called Boyhood’s End. The game sets itself up as a juvenile science fiction horror adventure. Boyhood’s End will take on a serialized format which entails that the game’s portions will be released episodically. The developer and publisher WSS Playground have also taken part in the production of games like Needy Streamer Overload and Cloé's Requiem.

The game’s setting revolves around a society ruled by a mechanical overlord named R. Karellen. This life force dictates everything, including a human’s worth. Each citizen is given a “human score” and other aspects of their life are decided too, from romantic interests to what they eat in the day. Giovanni is the main character and has, coincidentally, a very low human score. He’s treated differently because of his score, and it negatively affects his social life. Giovanni meets Campanella, another character, and they jump on a driverless train and embark on a coming-of-age story on the galactic railroad.

This is a story of self-realization and growing up. Both characters offer a unique perspective on the theme. Giovanni has the lowest human score and Campanella has one of the higher ones. In this Odyssey-esque story, the two boys will have to decide what it means to find themselves, and how that will change regarding their own personal lives. All of this will converge through a quest to find the mysterious “Crimson Southern Cross” at the edge of the universe. There are many mysteries in the game, and the only way to unearth them is to play the game.

Boyhood’s End is planned for an August 2023 release window and will be available on PC via Steam. Further information and updates can be found on the WSS Playground YouTube.

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